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Friday, December 10, 2010

Is Blogging Dying????

So, Im back again.......FINALLY.......

All of you must have noticed the title by now. Thats a serious question I wanna ask......seriously.....


Last week on Oct 4th our school hosted a bunch of other schools for Round 6 Legs 9 and 10 of the Indian/Inter School Debating Championships (ISDC) (I WAS THERE!!! YAY!!!). The first debate for all schools was on the motion "THW not have a facebook profile" and our school was against BVM. We won the debate, but what I noticed in that debate was this --

Our brilliant third speaker, Nikhil Venkatesa asked people to quit fb coz of "security and privacy concerns" and asked people to spread their "messages" on blogs. This was in response to a point raised by our opposition who said facebook could be used for spreading social messages. However, this point was "rebutted" by the opposition who just said "blogging is dead. no-one cares about bloggin" (or sumthng to that effect.

And Thats why I ask myself that question. True. We have to admit that not many of us talk about blogging and that many of my classmates are blissfully unaware of what a Blog is, so I was forced to conclude that Blogging is dying and was seriously planning to ask everyone to be more active on blogs when---

Neeharika Patnam comes and asks me "Do you have a Blog?". This made me think again and before I knew it, we had exchanged blog addresses and Ive already commented on one of her posts there.

And Athindra, another one of my friends also comes and talks to me about blogs, which DOES show that blogging is Still living. But the question is not whether blogging is dead but whether blogging is DYING?

And the answer is YES. We're having low activity around blogs and we really need to be more active. Spread the word, Ask more people to create blogs and we can get blogging back on its feet. To my "non-blogging" readers.....Its simple. Visit, follow the instructions and VOILA! So for now,,

Happy Blogging and....
ADIOS, Folks!

1 comment:

  1. Blogging is dying. No question about that. Look at the number of followers you have. Four? And I have ONE only. And nobody can really sit and type for even a few minutes to post some kind of blog. They have "better things to do"..
